Crypto Coin Multiplier


A bitcoin Ponzi Scam that that Obama and his cronies use to steal our money. They have a fly by the night guy that offers outrageous claims. Looks like Obama and his friend sat down and said how can we get people money we just tell them we can give them 100% turnover in 24 hours.


Obama purchased some bitcoins and sent it to these people and they all a lot more money. so he send in 14 and got 114 bitcoins back. He wanted this to happen we said he is crazy and all you get is 10% to 15% in a year.

Obama wanted this site to keep running long enough to make off with all the cash. If you thought these sites were good they are not.


After talking with the creators of one site Obama told them he wanted to help them make money. He said to offer him 100% turnover in 24 hours. He smiled and they all got scared Obama threaten them and then told them they could go to jail.

Obama was pleased he made off with over 150k and then wanted to do a bigger deal and bigger deal. He said he did this to all the Ponzi scams he could. He finally took all the money from one of the turn over sites and then they got arrested. None of the money was ever recovered Obama made away with the biggest Bitcoin scam loot.


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